Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Deprecated Work 0 @deprecated
Todo Work 25 todo, @todo

Each tag is detailed below:

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 25

org.tailormap.api.configuration.dev.PopulateTestData Line
MapServer WMS "https://wms.geonorge.no/skwms1/wms.adm_enheter_historisk" 499
org.tailormap.api.controller.AppRestControllerAdvice Line
skip this check for users with admin role 118
--No comment-- 150
org.tailormap.api.controller.FeaturesController Line
evaluate; do we want geometry in this response or not? if we do the geometry attribute must not be removed from propNames 177
org.tailormap.api.controller.GeoServiceProxyController Line
close JPA connection before proxying 222
org.tailormap.api.controller.LayerDescriptionController Line
deduce from tmft.getDefaultGeometryAttribute() 80
*/) 81
org.tailormap.api.controller.LayerExportController Line
close JPA connection before proxying 232
record response size and time with micrometer 253
org.tailormap.api.controller.admin.TaskAdminController Line
/ XXX we could add a human-readable description of the cron expression using eg. com.cronutils:cron-utils like: CronParser cronParser = new CronParser(CronDefinitionBuilder.instanceDefinitionFor(QUARTZ)); CronDescriptor.instance(locale).describe(cronParser.parse(cronExpression)); this could also be done front-end using eg. https://www.npmjs.com/package/cronstrue which has the advantage of knowing the required locale for the human .put("cronDescription", cron.getCronExpression()) 247
org.tailormap.api.geotools.featuresources.FeatureSourceHelper Line
set writeable meaningfully 113
org.tailormap.api.persistence.helper.ApplicationHelper Line
filter layers by projection parameter (layer.crs must inherit crs from parent layers) 112
org.tailormap.api.persistence.helper.GeoServiceHelper Line
micrometer met tags voor URL/id van service 127
Jackson annotations op GeoTools classes of iets anders slims? 324
set capabilities if we need something from it 369
report back progress 377
add authentication 405
report back progress 433
org.tailormap.api.persistence.helper.TMFeatureTypeHelper Line
in the future, check for authorizations on editing. Currently you only need to be logged in (the viewer frontend already checks this before showing editable layers so we don't need to check for an authenticated user here). 37
org.tailormap.api.repository.events.SearchIndexEventHandler Line
we don't handle the case where the schedule is null here; we would need to determine if a task exists that was associated with the search index before; this case can already be handled requesting a delete of the scheduled task instead 84
org.tailormap.api.security.OIDCRepository Line
fetch from OIDC metadata 118
fetch from OIDC metadata 164
org.tailormap.api.solr.SolrHelper Line
make maxFeatures configurable? q.setMaxFeatures(Integer.MAX_VALUE); 282
this does not currently batch/page the feature source query, this doesn't seem to be an issue for now but could be if the feature source is very, very large or slow 288
We could escape special/syntax characters, but that also prevents using keys like ~ and * solrQuery = ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(solrQuery); 435