View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2024 B3Partners B.V.
3    *
4    * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
5    */
6   package org.tailormap.api.solr;
8   import static org.tailormap.api.scheduling.IndexTask.INDEX_KEY;
10  import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull;
11  import jakarta.validation.constraints.Positive;
12  import;
13  import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
14  import java.math.BigDecimal;
15  import java.time.Duration;
16  import java.time.Instant;
17  import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
18  import java.time.ZoneId;
19  import java.util.ArrayList;
20  import java.util.HashMap;
21  import java.util.HashSet;
22  import java.util.List;
23  import java.util.Map;
24  import java.util.Set;
25  import java.util.UUID;
26  import java.util.function.Consumer;
27  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
28  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
29  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrResponse;
30  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
31  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.BaseHttpSolrClient;
32  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.schema.FieldTypeDefinition;
33  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.schema.SchemaRequest;
34  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
35  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.UpdateResponse;
36  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.schema.SchemaResponse;
37  import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
38  import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
39  import;
40  import;
41  import org.geotools.api.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
42  import;
43  import;
44  import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
45  import org.slf4j.Logger;
46  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
47  import org.springframework.lang.NonNull;
48  import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
49  import org.tailormap.api.admin.model.SearchIndexSummary;
50  import org.tailormap.api.admin.model.TaskProgressEvent;
51  import org.tailormap.api.geotools.featuresources.FeatureSourceFactoryHelper;
52  import org.tailormap.api.geotools.processing.GeometryProcessor;
53  import org.tailormap.api.persistence.SearchIndex;
54  import org.tailormap.api.persistence.TMFeatureType;
55  import org.tailormap.api.repository.SearchIndexRepository;
56  import org.tailormap.api.scheduling.TaskType;
57  import org.tailormap.api.util.Constants;
58  import org.tailormap.api.viewer.model.SearchDocument;
59  import org.tailormap.api.viewer.model.SearchResponse;
61  /**
62   * Solr utility/wrapper class. This class provides methods to add or update a full-text feature type index for a layer,
63   * find in the index for a layer, and clear the index for a layer. It also provides a method to close the Solr client as
64   * well as automatically closing the client when used in a try-with-resources.
65   */
66  public class SolrHelper implements AutoCloseable, Constants {
67    private static final Logger logger =
68        LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
70    /** the Solr field type name geometry fields: {@value #SOLR_SPATIAL_FIELDNAME}. */
71    private static final String SOLR_SPATIAL_FIELDNAME = "tm_geometry_rpt";
73    private final SolrClient solrClient;
75    /** the Solr search field definition requests for Tailormap. */
76    private final Map<String, SchemaRequest.AddField> solrSearchFields = Map.of(
77        SEARCH_LAYER,
78            new SchemaRequest.AddField(Map.of(
79                "name", SEARCH_LAYER,
80                "type", "string",
81                "indexed", true,
82                "stored", true,
83                "multiValued", false,
84                "required", true,
85                "uninvertible", false)),
87            new SchemaRequest.AddField(
88                Map.of("name", INDEX_GEOM_FIELD, "type", SOLR_SPATIAL_FIELDNAME, "stored", true)),
90            new SchemaRequest.AddField(Map.of(
91                "name", INDEX_SEARCH_FIELD,
92                "type", "text_general",
93                "indexed", true,
94                "stored", true,
95                "multiValued", true,
96                "required", true,
97                "uninvertible", false)),
99            new SchemaRequest.AddField(Map.of(
100               "name", INDEX_DISPLAY_FIELD,
101               "type", "text_general",
102               "indexed", false,
103               "stored", true,
104               "multiValued", true,
105               "required", true,
106               "uninvertible", false)));
108   private int solrQueryTimeout = 7000;
109   private int solrBatchSize = 1000;
110   private String solrGeometryValidationRule = "repairBuffer0";
112   /**
113    * Create a configured {@code SolrHelper} object.
114    *
115    * @param solrClient the Solr client, this will be closed when this class is closed
116    */
117   public SolrHelper(@NotNull SolrClient solrClient) {
118     this.solrClient = solrClient;
119   }
121   /**
122    * Configure this {@code SolrHelper} with a query timeout .
123    *
124    * @param solrQueryTimeout the query timeout in seconds
125    */
126   public SolrHelper withQueryTimeout(
127       @Positive(message = "Must use a positive integer for query timeout") int solrQueryTimeout) {
128     this.solrQueryTimeout = solrQueryTimeout * 1000;
129     return this;
130   }
132   /**
133    * Configure this {@code SolrHelper} with a batch size for submitting documents to the Solr instance.
134    *
135    * @param solrBatchSize the batch size for indexing, must be greater than 0
136    */
137   public SolrHelper withBatchSize(@Positive(message = "Must use a positive integer for batching") int solrBatchSize) {
138     this.solrBatchSize = solrBatchSize;
139     return this;
140   }
142   /**
143    * Configure this {@code SolrHelper} to create a geometry field in Solr using the specified validation rule.
144    *
145    * @see <a
146    *     href="">ValidationRule</a>
147    * @param solrGeometryValidationRule any of {@code "error", "none", "repairBuffer0", "repairConvexHull"}
148    */
149   public SolrHelper withGeometryValidationRule(@NonNull String solrGeometryValidationRule) {
150     if (List.of("error", "none", "repairBuffer0", "repairConvexHull").contains(solrGeometryValidationRule)) {
151       logger.trace("Setting geometry validation rule for Solr geometry field to {}", solrGeometryValidationRule);
152       this.solrGeometryValidationRule = solrGeometryValidationRule;
153     }
154     return this;
155   }
157   /**
158    * Add or update a feature type index for a layer.
159    *
160    * @param searchIndex the search index config
161    * @param tmFeatureType the feature type
162    * @param featureSourceFactoryHelper the feature source factory helper
163    * @param searchIndexRepository the search index repository, so we can save the {@code searchIndex}
164    * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
165    * @throws SolrServerException if a Solr error occurs
166    * @return the possibly updated {@code searchIndex} object
167    */
168   @SuppressWarnings("FromTemporalAccessor")
169   public SearchIndex addFeatureTypeIndex(
170       @NotNull SearchIndex searchIndex,
171       @NotNull TMFeatureType tmFeatureType,
172       @NotNull FeatureSourceFactoryHelper featureSourceFactoryHelper,
173       @NotNull SearchIndexRepository searchIndexRepository)
174       throws IOException, SolrServerException {
175     // use a dummy/logging listener when not given
176     Consumer<TaskProgressEvent> progressListener = (event) -> logger.debug("Progress event: {}", event);
178     return this.addFeatureTypeIndex(
179         searchIndex, tmFeatureType, featureSourceFactoryHelper, searchIndexRepository, progressListener, null);
180   }
182   /**
183    * Add or update a feature type index for a layer.
184    *
185    * @param searchIndex the search index config
186    * @param tmFeatureType the feature type
187    * @param featureSourceFactoryHelper the feature source factory helper
188    * @param searchIndexRepository the search index repository, so we can save the {@code searchIndex}
189    * @param progressListener the progress listener callback
190    * @param taskUuid the task UUID, when {@code null} we will attempt to use the UUID from the
191    *     {@code searchIndex#getSchedule()}
192    * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
193    * @throws SolrServerException if a Solr error occurs
194    * @return the possibly updated {@code searchIndex} object
195    */
196   @SuppressWarnings("FromTemporalAccessor")
197   public SearchIndex addFeatureTypeIndex(
198       @NotNull SearchIndex searchIndex,
199       @NotNull TMFeatureType tmFeatureType,
200       @NotNull FeatureSourceFactoryHelper featureSourceFactoryHelper,
201       @NotNull SearchIndexRepository searchIndexRepository,
202       @NotNull Consumer<TaskProgressEvent> progressListener,
203       @Nullable UUID taskUuid)
204       throws IOException, SolrServerException {
206     createSchemaIfNotExists();
208     final Instant startedAt =;
209     final OffsetDateTime startedAtOffset =
210         startedAt.atOffset(ZoneId.systemDefault().getRules().getOffset(startedAt));
212     if (null == taskUuid && null != searchIndex.getSchedule()) {
213       // this can be the case when this method is called directly such as when creating
214       // the test data. This in itself is not a big problem; it just means that the uuid
215       // in any progress events will be null (for that call).
216       taskUuid = searchIndex.getSchedule().getUuid();
217     }
219     SearchIndexSummary summary =
220         new SearchIndexSummary().startedAt(startedAtOffset).total(0).duration(0.0);
222     if (null == searchIndex.getSearchFieldsUsed()) {
223       logger.warn("No search fields configured for search index: {}, bailing out.", searchIndex.getName());
224       return
225           .setStatus(SearchIndex.Status.ERROR)
226           .setSummary(summary.errorMessage("No search fields configured")));
227     }
229     TaskProgressEvent taskProgressEvent = new TaskProgressEvent()
230         .type(TaskType.INDEX.getValue())
231         .uuid(taskUuid)
232         .startedAt(startedAtOffset)
233         .progress(0)
234         .taskData(Map.of(INDEX_KEY, searchIndex.getId()));
235     progressListener.accept(taskProgressEvent);
237     // set fields while filtering out hidden fields
238     List<String> searchFields = searchIndex.getSearchFieldsUsed().stream()
239         .filter(s -> !tmFeatureType.getSettings().getHideAttributes().contains(s))
240         .toList();
241     List<String> displayFields = searchIndex.getSearchDisplayFieldsUsed().stream()
242         .filter(s -> !tmFeatureType.getSettings().getHideAttributes().contains(s))
243         .toList();
245     if (searchFields.isEmpty()) {
246       logger.warn("No valid search fields configured for featuretype: {}, bailing out.", tmFeatureType.getName());
247       return
248           .setStatus(SearchIndex.Status.ERROR)
249           .setSummary(summary.errorMessage("No search fields configured")));
250     }
252     // add search and display properties to query
253     Set<String> propertyNames = new HashSet<>();
254     // always add primary key and default geometry to geotools query
255     propertyNames.add(tmFeatureType.getPrimaryKeyAttribute());
256     propertyNames.add(tmFeatureType.getDefaultGeometryAttribute());
257     propertyNames.addAll(searchFields);
259     if (!displayFields.isEmpty()) {
260       propertyNames.addAll(displayFields);
261     }
263     clearIndexForLayer(searchIndex.getId());
266         "Indexing started for index id: {}, feature type: {}", searchIndex.getId(), tmFeatureType.getName());
267     searchIndex =;
269     // collect features to index
270     SimpleFeatureSource fs = featureSourceFactoryHelper.openGeoToolsFeatureSource(tmFeatureType);
271     Query q = new Query(fs.getName().toString());
272     // filter out any hidden properties (there should be none though)
273     tmFeatureType.getSettings().getHideAttributes().forEach(propertyNames::remove);
274     if (propertyNames.isEmpty()) {
275       logger.warn("No valid properties to index for featuretype: {}, bailing out.", tmFeatureType.getName());
276       return
277           .setStatus(SearchIndex.Status.ERROR)
278           .setSummary(summary.errorMessage("No valid properties to index")));
279     }
280     q.setPropertyNames(List.copyOf(propertyNames));
281     q.setStartIndex(0);
282     // TODO: make maxFeatures configurable?
283     // q.setMaxFeatures(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
284     logger.trace("Indexing query: {}", q);
285     SimpleFeatureCollection simpleFeatureCollection = fs.getFeatures(q);
286     final int total = simpleFeatureCollection.size();
287     List<FeatureIndexingDocument> docsBatch = new ArrayList<>(solrBatchSize);
288     // TODO this does not currently batch/page the feature source query, this doesn't seem to be an
289     //   issue for now but could be if the feature source is very, very large or slow
290     UpdateResponse updateResponse;
291     int indexCounter = 0;
292     int indexSkippedCounter = 0;
293     try (SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = simpleFeatureCollection.features()) {
294       while (iterator.hasNext()) {
295         indexCounter++;
296         SimpleFeature feature =;
297         // note that this will create a unique document
298         FeatureIndexingDocument doc = new FeatureIndexingDocument(feature.getID(), searchIndex.getId());
299         List<String> searchValues = new ArrayList<>();
300         List<String> displayValues = new ArrayList<>();
301         propertyNames.forEach(propertyName -> {
302           Object value = feature.getAttribute(propertyName);
303           if (value != null) {
304             if (value instanceof Geometry
305                 && propertyName.equals(tmFeatureType.getDefaultGeometryAttribute())) {
306               // We could use GeoJSON, but WKT is more compact and that would also incur a
307               // change to the API
308               doc.setGeometry(GeometryProcessor.processGeometry(value, true, true, null));
309             } else {
310               if (searchFields.contains(propertyName)) {
311                 searchValues.add(value.toString());
312               }
313               if (displayFields.contains(propertyName)) {
314                 displayValues.add(value.toString());
315               }
316             }
317           }
318         });
319         if (searchValues.isEmpty() || displayValues.isEmpty()) {
320           // this is a record/document that can either not be found or not be displayed
321           logger.trace(
322               "No search or display values found for feature: {} in featuretype: {}, skipped for indexing",
323               feature.getID(),
324               tmFeatureType.getName());
325           indexSkippedCounter++;
326         } else {
327           doc.setSearchFields(searchValues.toArray(new String[0]));
328           doc.setDisplayFields(displayValues.toArray(new String[0]));
329           docsBatch.add(doc);
330         }
332         if (indexCounter % solrBatchSize == 0) {
333           updateResponse = solrClient.addBeans(docsBatch, solrQueryTimeout);
335               "Added {} documents of {} to index, result status: {}",
336               indexCounter - indexSkippedCounter,
337               total,
338               updateResponse.getStatus());
339           progressListener.accept(
340      - indexSkippedCounter)));
341           docsBatch.clear();
342         }
343       }
344     } finally {
345       if (fs.getDataStore() != null) fs.getDataStore().dispose();
346     }
348     if (!docsBatch.isEmpty()) {
349       solrClient.addBeans(docsBatch, solrQueryTimeout);
350"Added last {} documents of {} to index", docsBatch.size(), total);
351       progressListener.accept(taskProgressEvent
352           .progress((indexCounter - indexSkippedCounter))
353           .total(total));
354     }
355     final Instant finishedAt =;
356     final OffsetDateTime finishedAtOffset =
357         finishedAt.atOffset(ZoneId.systemDefault().getRules().getOffset(finishedAt));
358     Duration processTime = Duration.between(startedAt, finishedAt).abs();
360         "Indexing finished for index id: {}, featuretype: {} at {} in {}",
361         searchIndex.getId(),
362         tmFeatureType.getName(),
363         finishedAtOffset,
364         processTime);
365     updateResponse = this.solrClient.commit();
366     logger.trace("Update response commit status: {}", updateResponse.getStatus());
368     if (indexSkippedCounter > 0) {
369       logger.warn(
370           "{} features were skipped because no search or display values were found.", indexSkippedCounter);
371     }
373     return
374         .setLastIndexed(finishedAtOffset)
375         .setStatus(SearchIndex.Status.INDEXED)
376         .setSummary(
377             .skippedCounter(indexSkippedCounter)
378             .duration(BigDecimal.valueOf(processTime.getSeconds())
379                 .add(BigDecimal.valueOf(processTime.getNano(), 9))
380                 .doubleValue())
381             .errorMessage(null)));
382   }
384   /**
385    * Clear the index for a layer.
386    *
387    * @param searchLayerId the layer id
388    * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
389    * @throws SolrServerException if a Solr error occurs
390    */
391   public void clearIndexForLayer(@NotNull Long searchLayerId) throws IOException, SolrServerException {
393     QueryResponse response =
394         solrClient.query(new SolrQuery("exists(query(" + SEARCH_LAYER + ":" + searchLayerId + "))"));
395     if (response.getResults().getNumFound() > 0) {
396"Clearing index for searchLayer {}", searchLayerId);
397       UpdateResponse updateResponse = solrClient.deleteByQuery(SEARCH_LAYER + ":" + searchLayerId);
398       logger.trace("Delete response status: {}", updateResponse.getStatus());
399       updateResponse = solrClient.commit();
400       logger.trace("Commit response status: {}", updateResponse.getStatus());
401     } else {
402"No index to clear for layer {}", searchLayerId);
403     }
404   }
406   /**
407    * Search in the index for a layer. The given query is augmented to filter on the {@code solrLayerId}.
408    *
409    * @param searchIndex the search index
410    * @param solrQuery the query, when {@code null} or empty, the query is set to {@code *} (match all)
411    * @param solrPoint the point to search around, in (x y) format
412    * @param solrDistance the distance to search around the point in Solr distance units (kilometers)
413    * @param start the start index, starting at 0
414    * @param numResultsToReturn the number of results to return
415    * @return the documents
416    * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
417    * @throws SolrServerException if a Solr error occurs
418    */
419   public SearchResponse findInIndex(
420       @NotNull SearchIndex searchIndex,
421       String solrQuery,
422       String solrFilterQuery,
423       String solrPoint,
424       Double solrDistance,
425       int start,
426       int numResultsToReturn)
427       throws IOException, SolrServerException, SolrException {
429     if (null == solrQuery || solrQuery.isBlank()) {
430       solrQuery = "*";
431     }
433"Query index for '{}' in {} (id {})", solrQuery, searchIndex.getName(), searchIndex.getId());
435     // TODO We could escape special/syntax characters, but that also prevents using
436     //      keys like ~ and *
437     // solrQuery = ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(solrQuery);
439     final SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(INDEX_SEARCH_FIELD + ":" + solrQuery)
440         .setShowDebugInfo(logger.isDebugEnabled())
441         .setTimeAllowed(solrQueryTimeout)
442         .setIncludeScore(true)
444         .addFilterQuery(SEARCH_LAYER + ":" + searchIndex.getId())
445         .setSort("score", SolrQuery.ORDER.desc)
446         .addSort(SEARCH_ID_FIELD, SolrQuery.ORDER.asc)
447         .setRows(numResultsToReturn)
448         .setStart(start);
450     if (null != solrFilterQuery && !solrFilterQuery.isBlank()) {
451       query.addFilterQuery(solrFilterQuery);
452     }
453     if (null != solrPoint && null != solrDistance) {
454       if (null == solrFilterQuery
455           || !(solrFilterQuery.startsWith("{!geofilt") || solrFilterQuery.startsWith("{!bbox"))) {
456         query.addFilterQuery("{!geofilt sfield=" + INDEX_GEOM_FIELD + "}");
457       }
458       query.add("pt", solrPoint);
459       query.add("d", solrDistance.toString());
460     }
461     query.set("q.op", "AND");
462"Solr query: {}", query);
464     final QueryResponse response = solrClient.query(query);
465     logger.trace("response: {}", response);
467     final SolrDocumentList solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
468     logger.debug("Found {} solr documents", solrDocumentList.getNumFound());
469     final SearchResponse searchResponse = new SearchResponse()
470         .total(solrDocumentList.getNumFound())
471         .start(response.getResults().getStart())
472         .maxScore(solrDocumentList.getMaxScore());
473     response.getResults().forEach(solrDocument -> {
474       List<String> displayValues = solrDocument.getFieldValues(INDEX_DISPLAY_FIELD).stream()
475           .map(Object::toString)
476           .toList();
477       searchResponse.addDocumentsItem(new SearchDocument()
478           .fid(solrDocument.getFieldValue(SEARCH_ID_FIELD).toString())
479           .geometry(solrDocument.getFieldValue(INDEX_GEOM_FIELD).toString())
480           .displayValues(displayValues));
481     });
483     return searchResponse;
484   }
486   /**
487    * Close the wrapped Solr client.
488    *
489    * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
490    */
491   @Override
492   public void close() throws IOException {
493     if (null != this.solrClient) this.solrClient.close();
494   }
496   private boolean checkSchemaIfFieldExists(String fieldName) {
497     SchemaRequest.Field fieldCheck = new SchemaRequest.Field(fieldName);
498     try {
499       SchemaResponse.FieldResponse isField = fieldCheck.process(solrClient);
500       logger.debug("Field {} exists", isField.getField());
501       return true;
502     } catch (SolrServerException | BaseHttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException e) {
503       logger.debug("Field {} does not exist or could not be retrieved. Assuming it does not exist.", fieldName);
504     } catch (IOException e) {
505       logger.error("Tried getting field: {}, but failed.", fieldName, e);
506     }
507     return false;
508   }
510   /**
511    * @param fieldName the name of the field to create
512    * @throws SolrServerException if a Solr error occurs
513    * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
514    */
515   private void createSchemaFieldIfNotExists(String fieldName) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
516     if (!checkSchemaIfFieldExists(fieldName)) {
517"Creating Solr field {}.", fieldName);
518       SchemaRequest.AddField schemaRequest = solrSearchFields.get(fieldName);
519       SolrResponse response = schemaRequest.process(solrClient);
520       logger.debug("Field type {} created", response);
521       solrClient.commit();
522     }
523   }
525   /** Programmatically create the schema if it does not exist. */
526   private void createSchemaIfNotExists() {
527     solrSearchFields.forEach((key, value) -> {
528       try {
529         if (key.equals(INDEX_GEOM_FIELD)) {
530           createGeometryFieldTypeIfNotExists();
531         }
532         createSchemaFieldIfNotExists(key);
533       } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) {
534         logger.error(
535             "Error creating schema field: {} indexing may fail. Details: {}",
536             key,
537             e.getLocalizedMessage(),
538             e);
539       }
540     });
541   }
543   private void createGeometryFieldTypeIfNotExists() throws SolrServerException, IOException {
544     SchemaRequest.FieldType fieldTypeCheck = new SchemaRequest.FieldType(SOLR_SPATIAL_FIELDNAME);
545     try {
546       SchemaResponse.FieldTypeResponse isFieldType = fieldTypeCheck.process(solrClient);
547       logger.debug("Field type {} exists", isFieldType.getFieldType());
548       return;
549     } catch (SolrServerException | BaseHttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException e) {
550       logger.debug(
551           "Field type {} does not exist or could not be retrieved. Assuming it does not exist.",
553     } catch (IOException e) {
554       logger.error("Tried getting field type: {}, but failed.", SOLR_SPATIAL_FIELDNAME, e);
555     }
558         "Creating Solr field type for {} with validation rule {}",
560         solrGeometryValidationRule);
561     FieldTypeDefinition spatialFieldTypeDef = new FieldTypeDefinition();
562     Map<String, Object> spatialFieldAttributes = new HashMap<>(Map.of(
563         "name", SOLR_SPATIAL_FIELDNAME,
564         "class", "solr.SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType",
565         "spatialContextFactory", "JTS",
566         "geo", false,
567         "distanceUnits", "kilometers",
568         "distCalculator", "cartesian",
569         "format", "WKT",
570         "autoIndex", true,
571         "distErrPct", "0.025",
572         "maxDistErr", "0.001"));
573     spatialFieldAttributes.putAll(Map.of(
574         "prefixTree",
575         "packedQuad",
576         // see
577         //
578         "validationRule",
579         this.solrGeometryValidationRule,
580         // NOTE THE ODDITY in coordinate order of "worldBounds",
581         // "ENVELOPE(minX, maxX, maxY, minY)"
582         "worldBounds",
583         // webmercator / EPSG:3857 projected bounds
584         "ENVELOPE(-20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20048966.1, -20048966.1)"
585         // Amersfoort/RD new / EPSG:28992 projected bounds
586         // "ENVELOPE(482.06, 284182.97, 637049.52, 306602.42)"
587         ));
588     spatialFieldTypeDef.setAttributes(spatialFieldAttributes);
589     SchemaRequest.AddFieldType spatialFieldType = new SchemaRequest.AddFieldType(spatialFieldTypeDef);
590     spatialFieldType.process(solrClient);
591     solrClient.commit();
592   }
593 }