Uses of Package
ClassDescriptionA possibly complete feature from the attribute source.LoginConfigurationAny information needed to draw a basic map on a page.PageResponseReturned when calling an API for which you are required to be authorized (logged in).Basic viewer informationKind of viewer; a 'service' viewer has layers from a single service combined with a base viewer.
ClassDescriptionmodel for describing the style of an applicationa component to be used in the applicationA service provides one or more layers used in a viewerBasic viewer information
ClassDescriptionAny information needed to draw a basic map on a page.Gets or Sets serverType
ClassDescriptionA -possibly empty- list of search documents that fulfill the requested conditions and some metadata.
ClassDescriptionAdditionalPropertyA map layer, but only enough information to draw the layer.model for describing the style of an applicationAttributepresentation metadata for a featurea component to be used in the applicationcomponent specific configurationGlobal configuration valueGeneral server error response.A possibly complete feature from the attribute source.A -possibly empty- list of features with requested attributes and presentation metadataAll details of an app layer.LayerDetailsFormLayerExportCapabilitiesLayerSearchIndexGrouping of layers in a tree structure.LoginConfigurationLoginConfigurationSsoLinksInnerAny information needed to draw a basic map on a page.PagePageResponselogin required response, but can also be used for other response that require redirection.A search result documentA -possibly empty- list of search documents that fulfill the requested conditions and some metadata.A service provides one or more layers used in a viewerGets or Sets serverTypeCRS informationReturned when calling an API for which you are required to be authorized (logged in).A -possibly empty- list of unique values of the requested attributes.Information about authentication status and user informationmodel for a menu item for pagesmodel for a page tile as returned by the api for the viewerBasic viewer informationKind of viewer; a 'service' viewer has layers from a single service combined with a base viewer.