All Classes and Interfaces

Also apply the RepositoryRestExceptionHandler from Spring Data REST to our custom controllers so a RepositoryConstraintViolationException gets converted to JSON.
Configuration for including content (layers) in an application.
A map layer, but only enough information to draw the layer.
Settings applying to a viewer application.
model for describing the style of an application
Node referencing a layer.
Node for organizing app layer referencing nodes in a folder tree.
AuditInterceptor logs the user that is making the request.
A single authorization rule.
Gets or Sets AuthorizationRuleDecision
Validates access control rules.
Bounds without the context of a coordinate reference system
A utility class to convert a string to an enum in a case-insensitive way.
Categorization for items in the catalog.
presentation metadata for a feature
a component to be used in the application
component specific configuration
Global configuration value
Provides global configuration values which are available to viewers
Delete the file in the "javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.create-target" property because it is appended to instead of overwritten, which we don't want.
General server error response.
A possibly complete feature from the attribute source.
A -possibly empty- list of features with requested attributes and presentation metadata
Template/description for a feature.
model for a single form field
Gets or Sets type
model with options for an form
Front controller which forwards requests to URLs created by the Angular routing module to the proper viewer or admin index.html of the Angular bundle, for example when the user refreshes the page.
Utility functions on feature geometries.
Default settings for all layers of this service which can be overridden on a per-layer basis.
Layer of a service which can be an OGC WMS/WMTS service or from XYZ/ArcGIS REST.
Note that the values are case-insensitive and that `proxiedlegend` is a pseudo-protocol for proxied legend requests.
Proxy controller for OGC WMS and WMTS services.
Settings applying to a GeoService.
Server type to use for vendor-specific capabilities (high DPI, legends, etc.)
Gets or Sets dbtype
JPA configuration beans.
All details of an app layer.
Settings applying to any kind of layer of a GeoService.
Grouping of layers in a tree structure.
Any information needed to draw a basic map on a page.
POC task for testing purposes.
Populates entities to add services and applications to demo functionality, support development and use in integration tests with a common set of test data.
login required response, but can also be used for other response that require redirection.
Wrapper for a GeoTools HTTPClient that allows access to the response headers and body after the original response has been consumed and disposed of by other code.
A search result document
SearchIndex is a table that stores the metadata for search indexes for a feature type.
A -possibly empty- list of search documents that fulfill the requested conditions and some metadata.
Server sent event
Type of event
A service provides one or more layers used in a viewer
Gets or Sets serverType
Gets or Sets method
Admin controller for Solr.
Solr utility/wrapper class.
Migrate the database using JPA entities, after Flyway has migrated and the entity manager is initialized.
Gets or Sets kind
Configuration properties statically accessible in a Jackson deserializer.
Admin controller for controlling the task scheduler.
Gets or Sets TileLayerHiDpiMode
Settings applying to a 3D Tileset layer.
data type. eg \"date\" or \"string\". see also: org.tailormap.api.persistence.TMAttributeDescriptor
CRS information
Gets or Sets TMGeometryType
Define a map with minimally required job data for the TailorMap scheduler.
Returned when calling an API for which you are required to be authorized (logged in).
A -possibly empty- list of unique values of the requested attributes.
Provides user and login information
Projection for User that includes the groups (but only the group name).
Information about authentication status and user information
Basic viewer information
Kind of viewer; a 'service' viewer has layers from a single service combined with a base viewer.
Settings applying to a WMS layer.
Settings applying to a WMTS layer.
Settings applying to a XYZ layer.